League Day events start every Wednesday from April through October, consisting of 9-hole competitions with a variety of games. You must be a Member at Druids Glen to participate in the events.
Wednesday’s will be scheduled by tee time, with available times starting at 10:30 a.m.
Members will be using the Golf Genius app for signups, results, live scoring, etc. Registration will open six days prior at 8 a.m. and close the day before at 3 p.m. Click the ‘League Day’ tab to find the link.
Side games will be collected in the pro shop (cash only) and are available to pick up the next day.
For all events and leagues, go to: https://www.golfgenius.com/ggid/13vg24
The golf staff professionals and the board will continually review scores and handicaps throughout our season. If that review shows that an adjustment to handicap index is necessary, we will communicate directly with the member and make the appropriate adjustments to their handicap.
2025 Board Members
President: Bill DeChon
Tournament Chair: Tom Schiesz
At any time, you can email: bdechon@gmail.com or druidsmensnight@gmail.com with questions regarding the men’s club.
Kickoff Day
Come on out and enjoy a discounted rate for 18 holes before league play commences for the 2025 season.
When: March 29, 2025
Tee Times: 8 a.m. – 11:30 (call golf shop to get signed up two weeks before)
Cost: $67 (plus tax) for golf, cart, range and tee prize!
Wednesday’s – Starting April 2, 2025 – Oct. 15, 2025
Men’s Club will have tee times available for weekly 9-hole competitions. Use Golf Genius to register and find out what the event for the week is: dggc-2025mensleague1.golfgenius.com
Cost: $62 (plus tax) for round , cart, and competition fee (increased from 2024). Competition is only for 9 holes, but fee includes 18! After 3 p.m., fee drops to $50 (4 p.m. on June 4, back to 3 p.m. on Sept. 3)
Optional: $10 side games per individual
Top 3 in each flight (amount of flights each week depend on how many participants) earn credit book money and will be available in the member’s account the following week. In the event of any ties, a scorecard playoff will occur (toughest to least tough hole).
(Note: Credit Book in Member’s account expires at the end of each year)
Match Play – Commencing June 16, 2025
Men’s Club hosts an annual match play that consists of four flights with 16 players in each. Participants have two weeks from the start date to complete the matches and have the opportunity to earn credit book money. Payouts for first, second, and third place.
Druids Points
All participants will receive one point for playing during a weekly men’s club Wednesday event.
Additional points may be accumulated, as follows:
- First place gross or net – three (3) additional points
- Second place gross or net – two (2) additional points
- Third place gross or net – one (1) additional points
Tournament Information
The Men’s Club will have four major tournaments this year for participants to accumulate Druids Points. Tournament Costs, payouts and side games vary depending on the competition.
All participants will receive five points for playing during a Men’s Club Major.
Additional points may be accumulated, as follows:
- First place gross or net – member receives an additional six (6) points.
- Second place gross or net – member receives an additional four (4) points.
- Third place gross or net – member receives an additional two (2) points.
Major Tournaments
Druids Masters – 18 Hole Individual Stroke Play (April 12, 2025)
- Optional (If playing in Masters): Friday Night Par 3 competition
Member-Member – 18 Hole 2-Person Best Ball (May 24, 2025)
Member-Guest – 2 Day (36 Holes) 2-Person Team (July 26-27, 2025)
- Must participate in at least three prior events such as Wednesday league play or weekend/major event
- Optional (If in Member-Guest) Horse Race on Friday, July 25
- 7/26 – 2-Person Best Ball
- 7/27 – 2-Person Shamble
Druids Club Championship – 36 Hole Individual Stroke Play (Aug. 23-24, 2025)
- Must participate in five prior events such as Wednesday league play or weekend/major event (No exceptions)
Hole-In-One Insurance ($10)
Hole in one insurance can be purchased for a one-time charge of $10.
Players may pay into this competition once, at the start of the season or at any time throughout the season. The payment is good until either of the options below occur during a Men’s Club-sponsored event (Wednesday weekly event, men’s club major and the newly scheduled weekend events):
- A member makes a hole-in-one during the year, then they win the entire Hole-in-One Insurance pot. Pot will reset and everyone has the option to pay $10 again
- If no one gets a hole-in-one during a men’s club event throughout the year, then there will be a KP shootout event in the afternoon at the end of the season.